Listing Number 26994
Type of Business: 59 Miscellaneous Retail
Location: National / OR
The company is an online retailer of premium smoking essentials, primarily served direct to customers. The company’s product line features innovatively convenient, durable, and beautiful pieces that appeal to modern design conscious consumers. Products are designed in-house, manufactured with overseas suppliers, imported to a warehouse facility in Oregon, before being shipped out across the U.S. and Canada and other international regions. Organic search and email marketing are the primary drivers of site traffic and sales. All assets needed for the operation are included in the sale.
Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment:$ 2,000 Asking Price:$ 800,000 plus inventory
Vehicles and/or rolling stock:$ Down Payment:$
Inventory$ 220,000
Accounts Receivable (if included)$ Annual Sales Volume$ 1,166,000
Land & Building (if included)$ Cash Flow$ 190,000
Other Assets$
Current Liabilities to be assumed$
Current Notes to be assumed$
Contact Jeff Cushing at The Transition Group
Phone: 971-224-4080